Monday 13 June 2011

Digital Graphics Technology

What is Digital Graphics Technology?
In this assignment I will cover the ins and outs of what Digital graphic technology is, to achieve doing so, I will need to include the applications of interactive media graphics, the picture element and the image resolution, the types of digital graphics used to create digital images, file extensions used in digital graphics, file compressions and optimization, and image capture, image output and storage of image assets. 
The different applications throughout interactive media graphics
From gathering information over the years of learning media, it has come to the best of my knowledge there are many different applications of interactive media graphics, for example paint, fireworks, image ready, ADOBE photo shop, there are many other different applications of interactive media, however the one that I will closely look into and cover is Adobe photo shop.
Picture Element and Image Resolution
When talking about picture elements, photo shop supports picture elements that consist of pixels, and when we talk about pixels we think more into the bitmap graphics, bitmap is graphics that is combined of many small amounts, which are pixels, these pixels are made up of different colours, Carrying on from picture element there comes image resolution, you can find out the image resolution in different forms on Adobe photo shop, However the easy way to do this is to click on Image, then click on image size, this will bring up a box that shows pixel dimensions, and also document size, this will either be shown in pixels or cm’s.
Types of digital graphics used to create digital images
There are many types of digital graphics used to create digital images, for example using a scanner, digital camera, webcam and even the web. This can be done by taking a picture from the web and making it a digital graphic by manipulating the image. From using these methods to download the image you can then put the images on Photoshop, to edit the image whether changing the colour, or even change the size.
File Extensions, File Compression and Optimization
Throughout the Adobe Photoshop there are many different file extensions from this I mean, from using a digital graphic you are able to change the compression and also the optimization, by doing this you can change the file format of the digital graphics for example by changing the digital graphic to a JPEG file format, from doing so this then changes the compression by this I mean the size of the digital graphic, and also changes the optimization of the digital graphic. You can change the digital graphic to many different other file formats, for example GIF, ESP, PDF, PNG and TIFF. Although there are many different file formats, in order to change a digital graphic format you have to save the digital graphic to the file format that you want.

Image Capture, Image Output and Storage of image assets.
From using ‘Image Capture’ this is an application in which you can upload an image by for example using a scanner or even a digital camera, this can then be opened in Photoshop to be manipulated. Carrying on from Image Capture then comes Image Output, this is when a digital graphic has been printed in the file format that has been chosen and after all the manipulation that has been put on and changed to the image. The image output should be completely different from the original image; this is because of all the different manipulation that has been put over the image.


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